Vulva | Definition, Anatomy, & Function

The vulva is the external part of the female genitalia, comprised of all the structures located outside the body between the legs. It includes the area around the vaginal opening, the labia majora (outer lips), labia minora (inner lips), the clitoris, the mons pubis (fatty pad above the pubic bone), and the entrance to the urethra.

Vulva | Definition, Anatomy, & Function
Vulva anatomy

vulva definition

The vulva  is the external part  of the female  genitalia, comprised of  all the structures  located  outside the body between  the legs. It includes the area  around the  vaginal opening, the labia majora  (outer lips),  labia minora (inner lips),  the clitoris, the mons  pubis (fatty pad above the pubic bone), and the  entrance to the  urethra. The vulva  can vary  significantly in  size, shape, and color between  individuals and can  undergo changes throughout  a woman's life, particularly during  puberty, pregnancy, and  menopause. It serves as  the entrance to the  vagina and is  involved in sexual  arousal and stimulation.


Vulva image

Definition of Vulva in Biology

The vulva  or pudendum  is the external part  of the female reproductive  system. The vulva  or pudendum, protects  the urethra,  vestibule, and vagina, women’s reproductive organs.

The term ‘vulva’ refers to all the components that make up the female external reproductive organs. The labia majora, mons pubis, labia minora, vestibular bulbs, clitoris, vulva vestibule, Skene’s glands, Bartholin’s glands, vaginal opening and urethra are the components of the vulva.


 vulva Anatomy

 vulva Anatomy

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The vulva is  the external part  of the female  genitalia, and it consists  of several  structures, including :

    1.Mons Pubis :

The fatty tissue that is located in the pubic region.  The mons pubis is a tissue mound made up of fat located directly anterior to the pubic bones. This mound of tissue is prominent in females and is usually covered in pubic hair. The mons pubis functions as a source of cushioning during sexual intercourse. The mons pubis also contains sebaceous glands that secrete pheromones to induce sexual attraction.

   2. Labia majora:

The larger, outer folds of skin that surround the opening of the vagina. The word "labia majora" is defined as the larger lips. The labia majora are a prominent pair of cutaneous skin folds that will form the lateral longitudinal borders of the vulval clefts. The labia majora forms the folds that cover the labia minora, clitoris, vulva vestibule, vestibular bulbs, Bartholin's glands, Skene's glands, urethra, and the vaginal opening. The anterior part of the labia majora folds comes together to form the anterior labial commissure directly beneath the mons pubis. While the posterior part of the labia majora comes together to form the posterior labial commissure. The labia majora engorges with blood and appears edematous during sexual arousal.

   3. Labia minora:

 The smaller, inner folds of skin located inside the labia majora. The word "labia majora" is defined as the larger lips. The labia majora are a prominent pair of cutaneous skin folds that will form the lateral longitudinal borders of the vulval clefts. The labia majora forms the folds that cover the labia minora, clitoris, vulva vestibule, vestibular bulbs, Bartholin's glands, Skene's glands, urethra, and the vaginal opening. The anterior part of the labia majora folds comes together to form the anterior labial commissure directly beneath the mons pubis. While the posterior part of the labia majora comes together to form the posterior labial commissure. The labia majora engorges with blood and appears edematous during sexual arousal.

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  4.  Clitoris :

 A highly sensitive  organ positioned  at the top of the vulva that is involved  in sexual arousal. The clitoris  (which is homologous to the  glans penis in males) is a  sex organ  in females  that functions as a sensory organ.  The clitoris can be  divided into the glans clitoris and the body of the  clitoris. The underlying tissue that makes  the  clitoris is  the corpus cavernous. The corpus cavernous is a type  of erectile tissue  that merges together and protrudes to  the exterior of the vulva as the glans clitoris. While  proximally, the two separate ends of the tissue will form the  crus of the clitoris (legs of the clitoris) and the body of the  clitoris. The glans clitoris is the only visible part of the  clitoris. The glans clitoris is highly innervated by nerves  and perfused by  many blood vessels. It is  estimated that glans  clitoris is innervated by roughly eight thousand   nerve endings.  Since the  glans clitoris is so highly   innervated, it becomes erected and engorged  with blood during   sexual arousal and stimulation.

   5. Vestibule :

The area of tissue  located  between the labia minora. The area between the labia  minora is the vulva vestibule. This is a smooth surface that  begins superiorly just below the clitoris and ends inferiorly at  the posterior commissure of the labia minora. The  vulva vestibule contains the opening to the urethra and the  vaginal opening. The borders of the vulva vestibule  are formed from the edge of the labia minora. There is a  demarcation between the vulva vestibule and  the labia minora called Hart's lines. Hart's lines identify the change  from the vulva vestibule to the labia minora. This change of  skin appearance is visible by the smoother  transitional skin appearance of the vulva vestibule to the vulvar  appearance of the labia minora.

6.Vestibular bulbs  :

The vestibula r bulbs (homologous to the bulb of the penis in males) are structures  formed from corpus spongiosum tissue. This is a type  of erectile tissue closely related to the clitoris. The vestibule  bulbs are two bulbs of erectile tissue that starts  close to the inferior side of the body of the clitoris. The vestibular  bulbs then extend towards the urethra and vagina on  the medal edge of the crus of the clitoris. Eventually, the vestibular bulbs will split and surround the lateral  border of the urethra and vaginal. The vestibular bulbs are believed to function closely with the clitoris. During  sexual arousal, the vestibular bulbs will  become engorged with blood. The engorgement of blood then exerts pressure onto the corpus cavernosum of the  clitoris and the crus of the clitoris. This exertion of  pressure onto the clitoris is believed to induce a pleasant  sensation during sexual arousal.

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   7. Urethral opening :  

The external  opening to the urethra, which carries urine from the bladder. The urethra is an  extension of a tube  from the bladder to the outside of the body. The purpose  of the urethra is for the excretion of urine. The urethra  in females opens within the vulva vestibule located  inferior to the clitoris, but superior to the  vagina opening.

   7. Vaginal opening :  

The entrance  to the vagina, which is usually covered by the labia  minora. The vagina is an elastic, muscular tube  connected to the cervix proximally and extends to the external  surface through the vulva vestibule. The distal  opening of the vagina is usually partially covered by a  membrane called the hymen. The vaginal opening is located  posterior to the urethra opening. The function of the vagina  is for sexual intercourse and childbirth. During  sexual intercourse, the vagina acts as a reservoir  for semen to collect before the sperm ascending into the  cervix to travel towards the uterus and fallopian tubes.  Also, the vagina also acts as an outflow tract  for menses.

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    8.Bartholin's glands :

Two  small pea-sized glands located on either side of the vaginal  opening that secrete lubrication. The Bartholin's  glands also known as the greater vestibular glands  (homologous to the bulbourethral glands in  males) are two pea-sized glands located slightly lateral  and posterior to the vagina opening. These two  glands function to secrete a mucus-like substance into the  vagina and within the borders of the labia minora. This  mucus functions as a lubricant to decrease friction during  intercourse and a moisturizer for the vulva.

The  anatomy of the vulva  can vary  significantly between individuals, but  these structures are  the primary components  that make  up the external female  genitalia.



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The Vulva - The Vagina's Neighborhood - 4

Vulva - Learning Objectives

     Picture of the vulva

Vulva Image

vulva Function

vulva Function

The vulva has  multiple functions,  including sexual function, protection  and elimination.

1.Sexual function :

The vulva plays an  essential role in sexual arousal and stimulation. It contains several highly  sensitive nerve endings, including  those found in the clitoris, which is the primary source of sexual  pleasure in women. During sexual stimulation, the blood  flow to the vulva increases, causing it to become engorged and lubricated, which prepares the vagina for  penetration.

2.Protection :

The vulva also  provides protection  to the internal genitalia from  bacteria, moisture,  and other external factors  that can cause  infection. Its hair and  sebaceous glands contribute to  this protection by  producing a natural lubricant and  preventing the growth of  unhealthy bacteria.

3.Elimination :

The vulva has  an essential role in  eliminating waste from the body. The  urethra, which  carries urine from the bladder, opens to  the vulva, as does the vagina and the anus, which carries stool  from the rectum.

Overall, the  vulva plays a  crucial role in  several important biological  functions and is  an essential part of  the female reproductive system.


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  Frequently Asked Questions

What's a vulva on a female?

The vulva is the global term that describes all of the structures that make the female external genitalia. The components of the vulva are the mons pubis, labia majora, labia minora, clitoris, vestibular bulbs, vulva vestibule, Bartholin's glands, Skene's glands, urethra, and vaginal opening.


Does every female have a vulva?

Everyone's vulva looks a little different, but they're all made up of the same basic parts. The labia (lips) are folds of skin around your vaginal opening. The labia majora (outer lips) are usually fleshy and covered with pubic hair. The labia minora (inner lips) are inside your outer lips.


What is my vulva area?

The external female genital area is called the vulva. The outer folds of skin are called the labia majora and the inner folds are called the labia minora.


Where exactly is the vulva?

The vulva is the outer part of the female reproductive system. It's also part of the external genitalia. The vulva includes the mons pubis. This is the rounded area in front of the pubic bones at the lower part of the belly (abdomen).


What is normal vulva size?

They are about 0.4 to 6.4 cm in length, and about 2 cm wide, on average. It is important to note that the actual range is much wider, with normal variants being anywhere from 1.2 to 10 cm in length and 0.7 to 5 cm in width.


What color is a woman's vulva?

Most women's vulva appears to be some shade of red, pink, or burgundy, but this will vary from woman to woman depending on skin tone and other factors. The color will often change over time, such as after puberty, following sexual intercourse, or with arousal.


What is another name for vulva?

synonyms for vulva

On this page you'll find 11 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to vulva, such as: genitalia, gonads, privates, pudenda, private parts, and reproductive organs.


Why is vulva so long?

Genetics: Some people are born with large or differently shaped labia. Hormonal events: The labia may change in size during puberty2 or after childbirth. Aging: Changes over time may lead to labial hypertrophy. Restrictive clothing: Regularly wearing clothing that's tight against the labia can lead to changes


Does vulva change with age?

As the body gets older and estrogen levels decrease, the body loses fat and collagen and the result is that the skin and tissue of the vulva and labia becomes thinner and look less plump. This loss of fullness is completely normal, and the labia may also become smaller and paler due to decreased blood flow to the area.


What is a healthy vulva like?

There's really no such thing as a “normal” looking vulva. Vaginas and vulvas are as unique as faces — they all have the same parts, but everyone's looks a little different. Labia (the inner and outer lips) come in all shapes and sizes. People can have dangly labia, puffy labia, or barely-there labia.


Is vulva smell normal?

All vaginas — including healthy ones — have a mild odor. Your vaginal scent can change in response to sex, menstruation, pregnancy, etc. However, a strong, unpleasant vaginal odor with a discharge may be a sign of a health problem like vaginitis


Which part of vulva is sensitive?

Your entire vulva is an erogenous zone — a part of your body that gets sexually stimulated when touched. Your clitoris is the most sensitive part of your vulva. It's capable of producing the most intense and most pleasurable sexual responses in your body. Your clitoris is sensitive to all types of touch.



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